Saturday, 1 February 2020

#dafyomi (10a-b) Thought for the day

(Slightly longer than usual - TL/DR - Maybe we shouldn't aim "to leave our mark, perhaps the ecological crisis is reminding us that to live in harmony with the world instead of imposing ourselves upon it is the divine path):

There is so much in this daf (folio) that I don't know where to begin. In the first amud (page) alone we have three things which grabbed my attention immediately:
1) The "first" appearance of one of my favourite Talmudic characters: Bruria.
2) My mother would certainly approve of the rabbinic endorsement for breastfeeding.
3) One of my favourite rabbinic statements about humanity and divinity:

"מידת בשר ודם: מעשיו מבלין אותו. והקדוש ברוך הוא - הוא מבלה את מעשיו"

"The defining characteristic of humanity is that our creations outlive us. Whereas, The Holy One that is Blessed outlives their creations".
I will choose to focus on this last teaching, which (for me) has so much to say to our current reality. The nature of humanity is to leave its imprint on this earth. This is both a statement regarding our colossal power (what other animals leave their imprint on this world through their actions/ creations?), but it is also a damning condemnation of our irresponsible behaviour - as we face the consequences of too many generations who have not thought about what they leave behind which will pollute this perfect world, we must face up to the fact that humanity has almost killed this world. Obviously it is trite to quote Uncle Ben (Spiderman, not stir fry), but triteness often accompanies truth: "With great power comes great responsibility".
Humanity is both above the bestial world and yet still far away from divinity. While we have the power to permanently change this world and "leave our mark", we are not wise enough to realise that the "physical" (our actions, our creations) are in fact just fleeting reflections of our self. Our true power would be when we realise that NOT to leave our mark is the ultimate goal. Like the divine, we should aim to outlive our actions/creations - that when we pass from this earth, it will be as if we weren't here. The powerful strive to leave their mark. The humble strive to live without leaving their mark.
Later on in the page, Hazal (our wise ones) teach us that when we pray, we should do so from low down - not on high. Those who place themselves above the world (and other people) will not affect the eternal divinity. Only by accepting our place down low, as part of this world, not a ruler of it, will we affect the eternal divine plain.

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